Homewood School District 153 provides special education services for students who are eligible to receive special education support. Students with disabilities are offered an appropriate education that is designed to meet their individual needs. Both resource and instructional programs are provided.
A continuum of services is available in order to address the needs of students with disabilities. These services include: occupational therapy, physical therapy, social work support, psychological services, speech/language therapy, and hearing itinerant support.
District 153 is a participating member of the SPEED Cooperative which services students with low-incidence disabilities.
Section 504
Students with Disabilities who do not qualify for an Individualized Education Program (IEP), as required by the federal Individuals with Disability Education Act and implementing provisions of the School Code, may qualify for services under Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 if the child (i) has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, (ii) has a record of a physical or mental impairment, or (iii) is regarded as having a physical or mental impairment.
To determine eligibility for a Section 504 Plan, a student must be evaluated to determine if the child has a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, such that the child requires services, accommodations, or modifications to policy. If you have questions about identification, assessment, and placement of a child pursuant to Section 504, please contact Melanie Mandisodza, Director of Student Services, at 708-798-3766.
Availability of Interpretation Services
Any parent who is deaf or who does not typically communicate using spoken English is entitled to interpretation services at a Section 504 meeting. If you would like an interpreter at your child’s IEP meeting, please request an interpreter by completing a Request for Interpreter Form below or by contacting Morgan Koncel at
[email protected] or 708-647-2222. You have the right to request that the interpreter serve no other role in the IEP meeting other than as an interpreter and the District will make reasonable efforts to fulfill this request. Please contact Morgan Koncel at
[email protected] or 708-647-2222 if you have any questions or complaints about interpretation services.
Timely and Meaningful Consultation
Homewood School District 153 provides a yearly Timely and Meaningful Consultation (TMC) for our families that have homeschooled students or students that attend private school within our school boundaries. Consultations are held every May and October.
Our Consultation discusses the district’s plans for providing special education services to students with disabilities who attend private schools and/or home schools. If you are the parent of a home-schooled student who has been, or may be, identified with a disability and you reside within the boundaries of Homewood School District 153, you are urged to call to discuss.
If you have further questions please contact Melanie Mandisodza, Director of Student Support Services at 708-798-3766.