Homewood SD 153 Home

2nd-graders celebrate the Roaring 20s on the 100th day of school

State tournament send-off parade at James Hart

James Hart Dance Team

James Hart boys volleyball
5th-grade orchestra performs at fall concert

Celebrating Valentine's Day at Willow School

Willow School "centenarians" celebrate the 100th day of school.

Hungry, Hungry Hippos Game at Churchill School

Celebrating Valentine's Day at Churchill School

James Hart boys volleyball

Hungry, Hungry Hippos game at Churchill School

1st graders "under construction" at Willow School for the 100th day of school

Woodworking in James Hart shop class

Celebrating Valentine's Day at Churchill School

Churchill School Choir in concert

Celebrating Valentine's Day at Churchill School

Celebrating Valentine's Day at Willow School

Celebrating Valentine's Day at Willow School

Board of Education celebrates a great 8th-grade girls' basketball season

Library time at Willow School

Winter recess at Willow School

James Hart Interact Club makes Valentine's goodie bags for local senior living facility

James Hart Panther Choir in concert

James Hart Cheerleading
James Hart Band performs on Veterans Day

8th-graders participate in "Congressional hearing" to discuss U.S. Constitution
Building with Legos during STEM time at Willow School

"Scooter Town" play in Willow School P.E.

James Hart boys volleyball

Trying a trumpet in Willow School music class

Churchill School Early Act Club celebrates successful fundraiser

Celebrating Valentine's Day at Churchill School

Celebrating Valentine's Day at Willow School